Dental Implant Injuries
Dental Impant InjuryInjuries from dental implants can be one of the most serious of all dental injuries in Georgia and can significantly alter one's quality of life. Dental implants are often placed in the jaw in close proximity to a number of nerves and other anatomical structures that can be injured by the implant. These types of injuries are often caused by trauma from the implant or for another reason that affects the nerves or structures.
The most common cause of dental implant injuries in Georgia is dental malpractice. However, a dental implant injury can result from a number of different situations. Dental implant injuries often occur in the mandible (lower jaw) after an implant is placed by a dentist. The placement of dental implants in this location often leads to a dental nerve injury due to the location of the inferior alveolar nerve or the mental nerve, which run just below the apices of the lower teeth, especially the lower molars. In the area of the lower jaw in front of the back molars, the mental nerve (which is often described as an extension of the inferior alveolar nerve) is exposed and can be damaged by dental implants. If the proper planning and placement of the implant is not followed by the dentist, these nerves are at great risk of being injured and, these types of nerve injuries are often permanent and debilitating.
SymptomsShould one of the dental nerves in the mouth or jaw be damaged by a dental implant that was installed below the standard of care, a number of symptoms such as the following can occur:
- Numbness in the lip, chin, or gums;
- Numbness in the face;
- Numbness on the side of the tongue that corresponds to the nerve injury in the case of a lingual nerve injury;
- Sharp, stabbing electrical pain in the jaw and face;
- headaches;
- tingling and numbness sensations in the jaw and face area;
- earache;
- difficulty talking, eating or smiling as normal;
- altered taste sensation;
- pain that radiates from the jaw area up to the ear and sometimes to the side of the head;
- drooling and biting your lip.
Doctors diagnose dental implant injuries by utilizing a number of techniques including a physical examination to determine the areas and extent of numbness, cone beam CT scans, and x-rays. Sometimes an exact diagnosis is not possible until surgical intervention is conducted and the surgeon can see exactly where the nerve is damages and to what extent, although most of the time, the damage will be to the nerve directly below the improperly installed dental implant in the mandible.
TreatmentDental implant injuries can be treated with.
- pharmacological management (pain medications);
- Physical therapy and massage of the dental areas that are impacted by the nerve injury;
- removing the implant; and/or
- surgical repair of the nerve damaged by the implant.
Anti-inflammatory and oral steroid medications may also be used in combination with these methods to ease pain and lessen inflammation.
SurgeryAs noted above, if symptoms are severe or if the nerve fails to repair itself over time, microneurosurgery to repair the injured nerves may be performed. This is often the course of treatment here in Atlanta. During this procedure, the surgeon removes the implant (if it has not already been removed and if it is impinging on the nerve) and any neuromas or scar tissue are also removed. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia in a hospital setting.
Possible Causes Of Dental Nerve Injury From Improper Installation Of A Dental Implant In Atlanta- Improper measurement of the bone in which the implant is placed;
- Not taking into account the bone classification;
- Using an implant that is too long and/or not adhering to the 2mm safety zone which is recommended by most implant manufacturers (which results in the nerve being crushed by the impact);
- Not understanding the different unique attributes of the pilot drills and other instruments used in the implant process;
- Failure to use precautions such as drill stops to protect against drilling too deep into the bone;
- Installing implants without proper pre-implant planning, including not using a cone beam CT scan during this process.
If you recently had implants installed and are suffering from a suspected dental nerve injury, you may have a legal right for recovery. In most cases, you must file a lawsuit in Georgia within two years of the date of injury (although exceptions to this rule may apply). If you are suffering and have legal questions about your case, please call us today. You can reach Robert J. Fleming directly on (404) 525-5150 or call us on (800) 613-1923 for a free case evaluation.